Rise Up T-Shirt

Rise Up T-Shirt

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I read a quote by Joel Salatin (@polyfacefarm) in "The Marvelous Pigness of Pigs" that really struck me. "When a person takes an alternative path and finds it satisfying, that happiness stimulates alternative thinking in other areas of life."

In the past few years, I've seen that unfold several times and in my own life. Oddly enough, learning to bake sourdough bread can be just that gateway to those other alternative paths. It seems daunting and many write it off as too complex, but it's really very simple, especially if you have someone to show you how. Once a seemingly difficult skill is accomplished, it is satisfying and increases our confidence. Then, maybe starting seeds or keeping chickens is the next goal. Step by step, all those "I can'ts" are disproven and that mindset no longer hinders. It's incredible how acquiring new physical skills builds our emotional and mental strength. It shifts perspectives from despair to prepared, from helpless to competent.

“The Kingdom of Heaven is like the leaven a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little leaven in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough.” Matthew 13:33

Cotton/polyester blend mustard yellow tee. Professionally screen printed.